Sep 16, 2016

Webinar on Research Communication

The USC Community Outreach and Engagement Program hosted a webinar today,  “Communicating Research on Diesel and Your Health.” This webinar is the first in the Research in Action series being developed by the team. Over 100 participants joined the webinar to discuss the topic from the Moving Forward Network and the network on Partnerships for Environmental Public Health.  This included community, public health, government, academic and research, air agency, legal, healthcare, and environmental justice organizations.  The team looks forward to receiving suggestions on future webinar topics, to continue the discussions between research and community audiences.

All the infographics that the COEP has developed can be found here on our blog on the right side column.
Carla Truax, Health communications quick tips

Wendy Gutschow: Infographics and Data Viz: How-to, tools, and resources

Sheryl Magzamen, Communicating science: the Diesel Exhaust Exposure in the Duwamish Study, and developing the Diesel 101 presentation.

Research in Action Webinar series:
This webinar series aims to provide information on environmental health and facilitate discussion between researchers and members in the Moving Forward Network.  Participate in these sessions to discuss tools and methods for community-based research projects, information that can be useful to your projects, where to find the data you need, and how to communicate the information effectively in your materials.  Contact Carla Truax from USC Environmental Health if you have any questions: